DIVE IN = DIVINE, all it takes to get to the state of divineness, a feeling of being one with the divine within, is to simply dive right in...
Animation Courtsey: @tejjas_kaul
[igp-video src=”https://www.cheenakaul.com/wp-content/uploads/dive-in-divine-all-it-takes-to-get-to-the-state-of-divineness-a-feeling-of-being-one-with-the-divine-3.mp4″ poster=”https://www.cheenakaul.com/wp-content/uploads/dive-in-divine-all-it-takes-to-get-to-the-state-of-divineness-a-feeling-of-being-one-with-the-divine-3.jpg” size=”large”]

DIVE IN = DIVINE, all it takes to get to the state of divineness, a feeling of being one with the divine within, is to simply dive right in… Animation Courtsey: @tejjas_kaul

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