It had all it needed, It was fully seeded. But the tiny acorn had no clue while the big oak within it grew.

Fill your days with what makes you shine. Be it the work that fulfills you and helps you expand your mind. Be it the meaningful conversations that bring you closer to your tribe. Be it taking a walk out in nature and stopping to admire the birds and the trees. Be it taking a deep inhale after writing a thank you note. Be it listening to the music that refreshes you. Hold only what you wish to contain.

Choose with care!

Take ownership of the energy you put out into the world. Operate from a level that lights up the world!

Sunday vibes.

The quality of being determines the quality of doing. Do you agree?


Believe in yourself, for if you don’t, who else would.

Believe in yourself, for if you don’t, who else would.

Find meaning in little things…

Spread your words like flowers if you may…

My only piece of advice, always, forever…breathe easy…

My only piece of advice, always, forever…breathe easy…

Pick your words with love and care, like flowers if you may. The wind will spread their fragrance far and away.

Pick your words with love and care, like flowers if you may. The wind will spread their fragrance far and away.