Carnation, much revered since centuries also known as the flower of the Gods. A quick study on my iPad tonight before I doze off.

Carnation, much revered since centuries also known as the flower of the Gods. A quick study on my iPad tonight before I doze off.

The resting place of the mind is the heart ~ Elizabeth Gilbert

The resting place of the mind is the heart ~ Elizabeth Gilbert

Painted peonies…

Painted peonies…

Floral abstract

Floral abstract

Floral abstract

Every leaf speaks bliss to me fluttering from the autumn tree ~ Emily Bronte I can stand and savor the autumn vibrance and sunshine for hours. A quick abstraction of one such blissful conversation…

Every leaf speaks bliss to me fluttering from the autumn tree ~ Emily Bronte I can stand and savor the autumn vibrance and sunshine for hours. A quick abstraction of one such blissful conversation…

Every leaf speaks bliss to me fluttering from the autumn tree ~ Emily Bronte I can stand and savor the autumn vibrance and sunshine for hours. A quick abstraction of one such blissful conversation…

Breathe easy…

Breathe easy…

Breathe easy…