Tag: notestoself
While typing the word obstructions, the auto correct suggested instructions instead! Well, here it goes!
[igp-video src=”” poster=”https://www.cheenakaul.com/wp-content/uploads/while-typing-the-word-obstructions-the-auto-correct-suggested-instructions-instead-well-here-it-goes.jpg” size=”large”]
If it takes work, I am willing. If I slip, I’ll pick me up. If it overwhelms, I’ll pause…
[igp-video src=”https://www.cheenakaul.com/wp-content/uploads/if-it-takes-work-i-am-willing.-if-i-slip-i’ll-pick-me-up.-if-it-overwhelms-i’ll-pause…-notesto.mp4″ poster=”https://www.cheenakaul.com/wp-content/uploads/if-it-takes-work-i-am-willing.-if-i-slip-i’ll-pick-me-up.-if-it-overwhelms-i’ll-pause…-notesto.jpg” size=”large”]
I am willing
If it takes work, I am willing. If I slip, I’ll pick me up. If it overwhelms, I’ll pause…
When we look at our life as a compilation of life situations and habits that we form on the way, what seems to stand out is our ability to understand, analyze and take action. These actions, over time, formalize into habits. The dictionary defines habits as an acquired behavior pattern regularly followed until it has become almost involuntary. I am curious by nature, curious in a good way. I am always ready to ask questions when in doubt because I’m not particularly eager to jump to conclusions. It’s best to ask than to sit there and analyze. I like to learn new things. I also have the habit of checking in regularly with my people. Inculcating the habit of gratefulness has immensely helped me. I find meaning in staying inspired as well as in inspiring others. I know I do need to give up on some of my habits! What habits have served you well? What new habits are you looking to develop in the coming time? Do you think this statement is valid? Does it resonate with you? So far, what practices have helped you the most?
[igp-video src=”” poster=”https://www.cheenakaul.com/wp-content/uploads/when-we-look-at-our-life-as-a-compilation-of-life-situations-and-habits-that-we-form-on-the-way-what.jpg” size=”large”]
When we look at our life as a compilation of life situations and habits that we form on the way, what seems to stand out is our ability to understand, analyze and take action. These actions, over time, formalize into habits. The dictionary defines habits as an acquired behavior pattern regularly followed until it has become almost involuntary. I am curious by nature, curious in a good way. I am always ready to ask questions when in doubt because I’m not particularly eager to jump to conclusions. It’s best to ask than to sit there and analyze. I like to learn new things. I also have the habit of checking in regularly with my people. Inculcating the habit of gratefulness has immensely helped me. I find meaning in staying inspired as well as in inspiring others. I know I do need to give up on some of my habits! What habits have served you well? What new habits are you looking to develop in the coming time? Do you think this statement is valid? Does it resonate with you? So far, what practices have helped you the most?
[igp-video src=”” poster=”https://www.cheenakaul.com/wp-content/uploads/when-we-look-at-our-life-as-a-compilation-of-life-situations-and-habits-that-we-form-on-the-way-what-1.jpg” size=”large”]
All sounds cease to reach the quiet spaces inside… All sounds cease to cease where noisy thoughts reside…
[igp-video src=”” poster=”https://www.cheenakaul.com/wp-content/uploads/all-sounds-cease-to-reach-the-quiet-spaces-inside…-all-sounds-cease-to-cease-where-noisy-thoughts-.jpg” size=”large”]
All sounds cease to reach the quiet spaces inside… All sounds cease to cease where noisy thoughts reside…
[igp-video src=”” poster=”https://www.cheenakaul.com/wp-content/uploads/all-sounds-cease-to-reach-the-quiet-spaces-inside…-all-sounds-cease-to-cease-where-noisy-thoughts-1-1.jpg” size=”large”]
Take a deep breath before you start your day. Breathe easy. …and she approves! Happily licked the first few words
[igp-video src=”” poster=”https://www.cheenakaul.com/wp-content/uploads/take-a-deep-breath-before-you-start-your-day.-breathe-easy.-…and-she-approves-happily-licked-the-f.jpg” size=”large”]
Take a deep breath before you start your day. Breathe easy. …and she approves! Happily licked the first few words
[igp-video src=”” poster=”https://www.cheenakaul.com/wp-content/uploads/take-a-deep-breath-before-you-start-your-day.-breathe-easy.-…and-she-approves-happily-licked-the-f-1.jpg” size=”large”]
Instagram Image
[igp-video src=”” poster=”https://www.cheenakaul.com/wp-content/uploads/innerclarity-notestoself-wordsofwisdom-ecolinebrushpen-moleskinesketchbook.jpg” size=”large”]
Instagram Image
[igp-video src=”” poster=”https://www.cheenakaul.com/wp-content/uploads/innerclarity-notestoself-wordsofwisdom-ecolinebrushpen-moleskinesketchbook-1.jpg” size=”large”]
If you want to change the experience of your experiences, you need to radiate those feelings too. For everything, everything resonates with the feelings you feel.