…yes, I painted on the table top…as well…

…yes, I painted on the table top…as well…

What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly…

What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly…

When you give permission to your brush to do whatever it wishes…spontaneity is let loose…magic happens… #artjournaling #dailyartjournal #floraldoodles #spontaneousstrokes #colorsplash

When you give permission to your brush to do whatever it wishes…spontaneity is let loose…magic happens…

Caught red handed!!! Wondering where all my brushes disappear! #pepperthedoodle #artjournaling #dailyartjournal

Caught red handed!!! Wondering where all my brushes disappear!

Flipping through my journal today… #artjournalflipthrough #artjournalingpractice #artjournalingdaily #dailyartjournal

Flipping through my journal today…

Love the free flowing inks, they are so versatile and rich! Some floral inky doodles today in my art journal spread! Can’t tell you how much I love flowers…

Do all the good you can…

Create a soulful life…

Be in the now… @eckharttolle

Doodles and more doodles…