I often create wallpapers for my phone to act as constant reminders and affirmations. This one is inspired from these beautiful petunias that managed to survive! Feel free to download: https://www.cheenakaul.com/downloads They bloom and thrive again and again. Each spring season, we bring many flowering plants from the nursery to adorn our home. This season somehow didn’t get the chance to. They sprouted back to life and bloomed again. All the pots sitting there and bracing the winter have all come to life! Plants save their energy in their roots, and once the weather is all good, they push forward and thrive. Like a hibernation of sorts!

I often create wallpapers for my phone to act as constant reminders and affirmations. This one is inspired from these beautiful petunias that managed to survive! Feel free to download: https://www.cheenakaul.com/downloads They bloom and thrive again and again. Each spring season, we bring many flowering plants from the nursery to adorn our home. This season somehow didn’t get the chance to. They sprouted back to life and bloomed again. All the pots sitting there and bracing the winter have all come to life! Plants save their energy in their roots, and once the weather is all good, they push forward and thrive. Like a hibernation of sorts!

Happy Earth Day!!

Happy Earth Day!!

Our environment often shapes us. It either brings out the best in us or the worst and sometimes in between. It’s never a surety what the world will offer. However, we can offer what we’ve got, for sure! In the process, we might change the world or at least some part of it and help shape it instead. Bloom

The peonies were bright fuchsia to begin with. Gradually they turned pink and then vanilla before the petals started to fall. Each morning I looked forward to seeing a new variation of these gorgeous flowers.

The peonies were bright fuchsia to begin with. Gradually they turned pink and then vanilla before the petals started to fall. Each morning I looked forward to seeing a new variation of these gorgeous flowers.

Do the best until you know better. Then when you know better, do better. ~ Maya Angelou

Do the best until you know better. Then when you know better, do better. ~ Maya Angelou

Do the best until you know better. Then when you know better, do better. ~ Maya Angelou

Where flowers bloom, so does hope. ~ Lady Bird Johnson

Where flowers bloom, so does hope. ~ Lady Bird Johnson

Where flowers bloom, so does hope. ~ Lady Bird Johnson

Daily Art Journaling ~ Day 354 Bloom…

Daily Art Journaling ~ Day 347 Bloom where you are planted…