Starting the day with a grateful heart ensures that whatever direction your day might take, you’ll know how to navigate through it all, be willing to make changes, and take action where required. A grateful heart is a happy heart, after all. A happy heart will continually circulate happiness into your entire body. You will radiate with it, and everyone you meet will absorb it too.

Starting the day with a grateful heart ensures that whatever direction your day might take, you’ll know how to navigate through it all, be willing to make changes, and take action where required. A grateful heart is a happy heart, after all. A happy heart will continually circulate happiness into your entire body. You will radiate with it, and everyone you meet will absorb it too.

Not sure who said that but isn’t that so? Did you wake up happy today?

Not sure who said that but isn’t that so? Did you wake up happy today?

The real gift of gratitude is that the more grateful you are, the more present you become… #begrateful #vibrantblooms #randomdoodles #gratitudejournal

The real gift of gratitude is that the more grateful you are, the more present you become…

Start your day with gratitude… What are you grateful for today?

Daily Art Journaling ~ Day 343 floral doodles….layering on ink and water color splashes…my monday morning hues!

Daily Art Journaling ~ Day 342 playing with colors is always so meditative in its own special way…

Daily Art Journaling ~ Day 341 Swirls and curls

Daily Art Journaling ~ Day 333 A repeat…Might find its way on something soon!

Daily Art Journaling ~ Day 332 Splashing with colors!!

Daily Art Journaling ~ Day 331 Rooting for nature today…A quick study in my sketchbook!

Daily Art Journaling ~ Day 326

Daily art Journaling ~ Day 295 Be grateful… Wake up with a grateful heart! Good Morning!