There is always a choice to shift your energy. Shift it for the good. Shift it to the good.

There is always a choice to shift your energy. Shift it for the good. Shift it to the good.

What does it mean to ‘Be You’? For me it means to be in the moment of flow, where I am feeling light in my body, mind and spirit, not only in the dimension of feeling light but also being the light.

What does it mean to ‘Be You’? For me it means to be in the moment of flow, where I am feeling light in my body, mind and spirit, not only in the dimension of feeling light but also being the light.

Be aware of being aware… #be aware #arthournal #aware

Be aware of being aware… aware

Daily Art Journaling ~ Day 92 I want to feel light, lighter than the air that surrounds me…I want to float soaring high with the gentle breeze around me…I want to be the gentle breeze that caresses everything that it touches…I am the gentle breeze that just touched me…