Experimenting with abstraction…

In a blur it all fades away… Memory of each passing day… In a blur it all comes back again…

…And yes it’s almost midnight! Can’t stop doodling

Daily Art Journaling ~ Day 317 Be calm…

On the easel today…

Daily Art Journaling ~ Day 307 More words, more thoughts and yet more layers…Breathe easy…

Luscious colors!! Too much brightness on my easel today!

Daily Art Journaling ~ Day 301 Grow

Daily Art Journaling ~ Day 300 Be a dreamer

Daily Art Journaling ~ Day 299 Love creating these tiny joyful canvases ?

Daily Art Journaling ~ Day 282 So my break from colors didn’t last too long! Here I go again! Splurging in the brightest of hues!!

Daily Art Journaling ~Day 281 Love using the micron pen, sometimes black and white is all you need! A break from colors!

Daily Art Journaling ~ Day 280 Have a blessed life!

Daily Art Journaling ~ Day 276 On to some mixed media play this morning…TGIF!!

Daily Art Journaling ~ Day 270