It had all it needed, It was fully seeded. But the tiny acorn had no clue while the big oak within it grew.
January 25, 2023
Bring your own sunshine no matter what and wherever you go for darkness is nothing but the absence of light. Shine on?
January 22, 2023
Each of us gets handed a blank canvas; the moment we get this life. Each one gets a different set of supplies—some limited, some unlimited, and some none. We begin with random mark-making, scribbling on the way, and using whatever comes in our supply list. We also learn to create our supplies and grow fond of certain few. Some never begin. They don’t like to paint. They want life to keep happening and filling it up for them. They want to be the critics and not like what gets painted in front of them. Then others feel battered when their canvases are tossed over and sometimes even torn apart. They still get up and patch up the tears with whatever they can lay their hands on. They then proudly carry the canvas wherever they go and, bit by bit, add more marks and lines to the landscape of life. Some are natural-born artists, while some learn it on the way. Some love what they create, while some do not so much. Nevertheless, we all have to take care of this canvas and sign it sincerely before handing it back to the Great Master.
January 20, 2023
Believe in possibilities. Look for the light. Be the light. Be a possibilitarian.
January 15, 2023
Over time what we create either gets better or worse. There is always a time when we can pause and shift. A slight change in the right direction, a little nudge, will make a big difference someday. Knowing that to be true, root for change, good change, that is. Little by little, a little grows big.
January 8, 2023
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January 6, 2023
Fill your days with what makes you shine. Be it the work that fulfills you and helps you expand your mind. Be it the meaningful conversations that bring you closer to your tribe. Be it taking a walk out in nature and stopping to admire the birds and the trees. Be it taking a deep inhale after writing a thank you note. Be it listening to the music that refreshes you. Hold only what you wish to contain.