Doodling after a long long time!

Doodling after a long long time!

Doodling after a long long time!

..Give thanks…#createdailyartjournalpagegratitudejournalgive thanks

A little prayer for today.

Yes! The universe loves me and it is always backing me up…a little prayer for today… Give thanks… thanks

“What the caterpillar calls the end of the world the master calls a butterfly!”~ Richard Bach#beinthenowcreatedailybreatheeasy @eckharttolle

“What the caterpillar calls the end of the world the master calls a butterfly!”~ Richard Bach

“What the caterpillar calls the end of the world the master calls a butterfly!” ~ Richard Bach @eckharttolle

Seek joy always…

Seek joy always…

Seek joy always…

Joy is the default state of mind…seek joy always…

Joy is the default state of mind…seek joy always…

Joy is the default state of mind…seek joy always…

…she can barely fit in her small bed! How she has grown in such a short time!!

…she can barely fit in her small bed! How she has grown in such a short time!!

…she can barely fit in her small bed! How she has grown in such a short time!!

…and remind yourself often to step out of the past and the future and just live in the present moment…#presentmomentawarenesspresentmomentlivingpresentmomentreminderbeinthenow @eckharttolle

Step out…

…and remind yourself often to step out of the past and the future and just live in the present moment… @eckharttolle @spirithealthmag

I created this one while listening to a meditation…I wasn’t meditating but I guess this was my meditation!Enjoyed working on it. There was definitely a stillness there. I felt in the zone!
