This n that

What's on your mind?

Daily Art Journaling ~ Day 194

Daily Art Journaling ~ Day 194 What’s on your mind?

.. Live like the birds, the flowers and the trees…look at them they have no worries…

Loving the warm sunshine falling on my journal spread today.

Loving the warm sunshine falling on my journal spread today… Live like the birds, the flowers and the trees…look at them they have no worries…

Daily Art Journaling ~ Day 193

Daily Art Journaling ~ Day 193 Loving the warm sunshine falling on my journal spread today… Live like the birds, the flowers and the trees…look at them they have no worries…

Loving the warm sunshine falling on my journal spread today… Live like the birds, the flowers and the trees…look at them they have no worries…

It is a very gray morning today…had to add the neons!! Like always! Have a joyful day ahead!@ranger_ink

Daily Art Journaling ~ Day 192

And there goes my quill pen…

And there goes my quill pen…

Daily Art Journaling ~ Day 192 It is a very gray morning today…had to add the neons!! Like always! Have a joyful day ahead! @ranger_ink

And there goes my quill pen…

Some random words pouring out…

Daily Art Journaling ~ Day 191

Daily Art Journaling ~ Day 191 Some random words pouring out…

Sketch from a photograph I 'chanced' to click from the moving car…should I leave it as is or should I scribble in some more…wondering…

Daily Art Journaling ~ Day 190

Daily Art Journaling ~ Day 190 Sketch from a photograph I ‘chanced’ to click from the moving car…should I leave it as is or should I scribble in some more…wondering…